Sunday, September 15, 2013

Conversions related to alkenes

Conversions related to alkenes:

                                          Following scheme will help you to solve many conversions and it is also easy to remember. These conversions start from alkenes and also end in alkenes.

The addition of HX obey Morkownikove’s rule:

                                Which states that Hydrogen  goes to that Carbon which have more Hydrogen in other word in an addition of unsymmetrical reagent to an unsymmetrical alkene,negative part of adding reagent goes to that carbon in a double bond which has least number of hydrogen atoms.

(This reaction is called ozonolysis and it is used to locate the the position of double bond in a alkene.In ozonolysis one should keep in mind that during the formation of product if the double bonded Carbon atom consist of Hydrogen atoms it will lead to aldehyde ,and if the Hydrogen is absent then it will lead to ketone .Symmetrical alkenes leads to symmetrical number of aldehyde or  ketone).

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