Wednesday, November 13, 2013

What is Science???

                           INTRODUCTION TO SCIENCE

What is Science???

           Science is the study of nature .Actually whatever you see ,hear ,touch,smell,taste is directly or indirectly related to science.We are living in a scientific age since ancient times.Only requirement is to pay keen atention to your surroundings ,development of investigation skills and also a kind of good observing skills.Some of the examples are given below:
BIOLOGY:As we all know the study of living things.
It may includes the animals living in your house garden like caterpillar,ants,flies,frogs etc their life cycles and many more about their living standards.
many examples are their like physics,chemistry, Geology i will explain them later.
Here a question arises 
Do you see the influence of science all around you can you quote the examples???
simple answer is many machines all around us are examples of science as cars ,aeroplanes,buses they make transport better and easier for us 
Telephones ,mobiles are also examples of science they make communication faster ,with in no seconds we can contact to any person anywhere at anytime.
Computers the masters of all technologies,it contains all the beneficial aspects we can't even count .etc etc
Our fight against dieseases is only possible with the help of science .With the incopration of science we can only cabale of fighting with the all dieseases .
Science is not only for scientists .It helps us to understand things around us ,solve problems and train our minds to think logically and also systematically.
Why is it necessory for all of us to have basic knowlege of science???An artist needs to know the science of mixing colours and colour contrasts ,which combination fits the best???A Photographer needs to know  nature ,intensity of visible Light.Can you tell why you are learning science???
      Isaac Newton studied forces and motion of different                                 objects and also laws related to his discoveries.

Louis Pasteur developed number of vaccinations for many deadly diseases like chickenpox and rabies.

Marie curie discovered nature of radium(radioactive element).

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