Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Importance of dyes removal from aqueous solution

Importance of dyes removal from aqueous solution: 

Every one loves to have such a beautiful scene but unfortunately  Industries using dyes to colour thier final product is very dangerous for the fresh and marine

water and inturn living organisms feeding on them get great threat .These dyes are very toxic .So before these
dyes released in water there must be some treatment so that these dyes lose their toxicity
If these dyes added

into water it can not be used for consumption purpose either.Dyes contain heavy metals and many toxic 

elements which may disturb life cycles of many fresh water and marine life .Many techniques are used for

removal of heavy metals and toxic elements some these textile dyes some of them are, chemical
precipitation  ,ion exchange,electro dialysis membrane and electrochemical treatment
Adsorption values for reactive dyes ranges from 200 to 1000 mg g-1[ Y.S. Al-Degs et al (2000) ].The conventional biological treatment process is not very expensive in treating a dyes wastewater due to low biodegradation of dyes. Adsorption used because of its high range of targeting pollutants.Adsorption is effective technique  widely used over a decades . Among all other techniques adsorption has proved to be cheeper and effective.

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