Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Waste biomass is preferred over the commonly used adsorbents

Waste biomass is preferred over the commonly used adsorbent:

Adsorption is one of several techniques which is very efficient due to its low cost ,easy handling and high efficiency to remove many organic and inorganic contaminants from waste water which industries using dyes as  to impart colour to their final products.This waste water can damage the water life by many ways as it can impart colour to their living water ,makes it unclear  and interferes with its intended beneficial used .
 How efficient is the adsorbent depends upon various factors .It includes particle size,chemical structure,pores size ,contact time ,surface area  ionization and solubility.For example silica gel ,activated carbon .Activated carbon is very efficient because it has a larger surface area and it is porous.It is  activated when heat is provided and oxygen is supplied .One gram of it  has a large surface area of five football fields [source: EPA].Silica gel is efficient enough to remove inorganic gases and also good for purification of gases.. The elements in biomass are commonly C, O, N, Ca, K, Si, Mg, Al, S, Fe, P, Cl, Na, Mn and Ti. There is a significant chemical distinction among the specified natural and anthropogenic biomass groups and sub-groups and they are related to different biomass sources and origin, namely from plant and animal products or from mixtures of plants, animal and manufacture materials.

Waste biomass:

                    It is mass which is obtained from living organisms or we can say biomass is the mass whose source is living  more likely plants or derived from plants,and is not living any more.As there are energy crisis all over the world and many developing countries suffering badly so they use biomass to fulfill their energy demands  .In a few decades the fossil energy sources like oil and coal we use nowadays will be exhausted. To avoid this we either must change our lifestyle and the habit of wasting energy or we have to find other ways to get energy without exploiting the earth.

In anyway

  1.          Waste biomass is preferred over the commonly used adsorbent because waste biomass is very abundant. It can be found on every square meter of the earth as seaweed, trees or dung.
  2.          It is also used for water purification.
  3.          It is cheap in contrast to the other adsorbents.
  4.         It has a wide usefulness and potential in enviromental conservation
  5.         Adsorption science represents a viable and powerful tool,leading to the superior improvement of pollution control and environmental preservation
  6.      Once you get a compatible waste biomass for specificdye,repeated experiments can be done for the removal of toxic metals to reach the higher level of accuracy 
  7.     Waste biomass can easily prepared and handling is also very easy. 
  8.    It is reproducible and renewable 
  9.      The use of waste biomass is also eco-freindly as land fill disposal is reduced and space is available for more crops e.g felled trees ,wood waste,crops,paper waste, and aquatic plants .

             There are various dyes adsorbed on specific adsorbents this can be checked by testing dyes compatibility with the adsorbent.Various dyes got perfect compatibility and hence can easily removed from waste water .

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