Sunday, November 24, 2013

Benefits Abuses and Limitations of Science and Technology:

1.6 Benefits Abuses and Limitations of Science and Technology:

There are many researches in the field of science which have been made over years.These scientific inventions and discoveries have affected human life in many aspects.
Think of following inventions .How has they affected you?
Aeroplanes allow us to travel long distances in less time.

Computers and Internet keeps us connected to world ,and makes world Global village.

Cell phones make communication easier.

Science has been applied to make new products and solve problems.The application of science is known as Technology.The Internet,cloning of animals ,man made satellites,,computer chips and genetically modified food are all products of technology.
Dolly ,cloned sheep

made satellites

Through the discoveries we can gather and interpret data using computer technologies.This will lead us to new discoveries.
Think about it
Do you think  that science  and technology have improved your life?Think of the machines and appliances  which run on electricity has brought us.What comes in your mind the life before the electricity was convenient than today.?Is there any harm with the use of electricity?Limitations of electricity?Discuss these questions and try to find answers.
From the example of electricity ,we can see that science and technology have brought great benefits to mankind.Science and Technology allows us to grow more food,live longer,make our lives more comfortable,communicate faster and farther,move from place to place with ease and explore outer outer space.
The discovery of new medicines can prevent or cure diseases,and inventions of machines which can be used in medical treatments enable us  to live longer and healthier.
Vaccines can help us to prevent diseases.

New technology allows to treat diseases more efficiently and  effectively.

Science and technology allows us to explore outer space.

Science and technology helps us to grow more and improved food.

Satellites enable us to communicate faster and farther.

However ,science and technology is a double edged sword.It can bring about negative effects as well.The generation of electricity using fossil fuels.e.g can lead to pollution which cause harm to human beings and environment.
At some times science and technology have been misused or abused by human beings.An example of abuse is the invention of and use of deadly weapons which are harmful to us and environment.We must there fore use science and technology with care and responsibility.
Nuclear explosion.


Have you ever heard of Noble prize?It is named after Alfred Noble,the inventor of  Dynamite,who left much of his wealth to the establishment of Noble Prize.How have human beings misused the invention of Alfred Noble?You may use the Internet to help you find the answer.

In your discussion about electricity,did you find any limitations in the use of electricity?Is electricity able to provide us with enough energy so that we can turn night into day at a flick of switch?Is it reliable?Or do you experience power back outs every now and then?
Science and technology have their limitations too.They can not be used to solve all our problems and all our queries.We can use science and technology to reduce the damage caused by natural disasters such as earthquakes and hurricanes,but we cannot prevent them from happenings .Can you give other examples to show the limitations of science and technology?
How science and technology used to reduce damages caused by a hurricane or an earthquakes?


  • Technology is the application of science.
  • Science and technology can bring us great benefits.However,abuse and misuse can cause problems to human beings and the environment.
  • Science and technology have limitations.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Laboratory Apparatus and uses:

                                    INTRODUCTION TO SCIENCE

1.5 Laboratory Apparatus and uses:

We deal with many apparatus in laboratory.they help us in carrying experiments successfully and make accurate, measurements and observations.
Bunsen burner is a common laboratory apparatus which is used for heating purpose.

Test tube used for containing or heating small amount of substances.

Beaker used for containing liquids  and collecting liquids.

Flat bottomed flask used for containing chemicals when preparing gases if the process requires no heating.

Measuring cylinder used for measuring a volume of liquid to an accuracy of 1cm3.

Pipette used for measuring very accurately a specific volume of liquid.

Filter funnel used for separating an insoluble solid from a liquid with the help of a piece of filter paper.

 bell jar used for separating an experimental setup from the outside environment.

Crucible used for heating solids directly over a flame.

Water trough used for containing water when collecting gases.

Retort stand used for hanging apparatus.and supporting apparatus during experiments.

Gas jar used for collecting gases.

Evaporating dish used for evaporating a liquid from a solution.

Tripod stand used for supporting apparatus.

Displacement can used for displaced liquid to flow out through its spout.

Boiling tube used for containing and heating small amount of substances.

Conical flask  for containing chemicals

Burette  is used for measuring volume of liquids.

Thistle funnel is used for transferring liquids into a flask.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Safety rules in the laboratory:

                                  INTRODUCTION TO SCIENCE

1.4 Safety rules in the laboratory:

Science experiments are performed in the laboratories.Performing experiments are also verry intersting and enjoyable buty some times if you are not careful then it can be dangerous for yourself and others nearby.For the  sake of safety measures we have certain rules to follow.

General safety rules:

  • Do not enter in the laboratory without instructor's or teacher's permission.
  • Open all windows and doors or as guided by the teacher.
  • Do not carry out any experiment with out permission of teacher.
  • Read and understand well before starting any experiment .if you are not clear then ask teacher to explain.
  • It is very necessory to handle and use appratus carefully.
  • Always check label before using the container.
  • To avoid contamination ,do not pour any unused chemical back into container.
  • Do not taste any chemical.
  • Do not eat ,drink or play in a laboratory.
  • Do not tamper with electrical mains and other fittings in the laboratory.
  • Work tidily and neatness is essenssial.wash all appratus after use.
  • Return the appratus to its proper place after use.
  • Wash your hands after laboratory work

Safety rules when heating or mixing chemicals:

  • Wear goggles when mixing or heating chemicals.
  • Put flameable substances away from naked flame.
  • When you are heating chemicals in a test tube,point the open end of test tube  away from your self.

 When Accidents occur:

  • Report all breakage ,injuries,accidents and spillage to your teacher immediately.
  • If a chemical accidently enters in your mouth ,spit it in to basin and rinse your mouth .similarly if any chemical comes in contact with your body part wash with plenty of water and tell your teacher.
Every chemical has labelling which tells us about the hazardous nature of chemical so you should follow the instructions
Flammable substances e.g petrol,alcohal.(put flammable substances away from fire or heat). 

Explosive substances e.g mixture of hydrogen and air(These substances explode when heated or lit ).

Corrosive substances e.g strong acids and alkalis.(avoid contact with skin because these chemicals have corrosive action they can cause burns)

Poisonous substances e.g mercury,cyanide,chlorine.(do not eat ,drink or taste them)

Irritating substances e.g chloroform,alcohal,bromine water.(avoid inhaling use them in fume chamber)

Radioactive substances e.g carbon ,uranium(use strictly safety measures while dealing with them)

Biohazardous materials e.g blood and blood products infectious bacteria and viruses.(avoid their contact )   

Science laboratories can be found in different places.The space can be a laboratory where astronauts carry out investigations .What else or where else can you use as a laboratory?Is the study of science limited to laboratory?Give an example to support your answer?                

Monday, November 18, 2013

Skills and Processes:

                           INTRODUCTION TO SCIENCE

1.3 Skills and Processes:

Skills and processes are very essential for the study and practice of science.To find out and understand nature,we need skills as observing,inferring,making hypotheses,predicting,verifying and analysing.Processes such as investigating and problem solving,involve several skills. 
               Scientists are good observers.Care full observation requires sensory organs to be active.Very often scientists observe with the help of instruments,such as thermometers ,microscopes and telescopes because human senses are limited and not reliable.

Can you tell the hotness of tea with out a thermometer?

Can you see plant cells with your naked eyes?

Can you see the Jupiter's moon with out telescope?

Communication is a skill which involves transmitting and receiving information presented in various forms such as tables,charts and graphs.This  virtual text book also communicates knowledge ,information to you by using  words,phrases,numbers,various researches ,photographs,tables and graphs.
Why it is important for scientists and students to be ale to communicate effectively?
Answer to this simple question is with the help of your communication skills you can share and improve your findings about any can easily notice and resolve your mistakes.You can guide people in solving their problems also.
It is the skill of drawing conclusions from observations  and information gathered .For example if one observes that a plant can not make food in dark ,we can infer that light is needed for making food .

both her parents have curly hairs .What inference can yo u make?

Make an inference:
is her baby brother likely to have a curly hairs too?

The conclusions that you draw from inferring are called inferences.Different inferences can be made from same observation and not all observation turn out to be correct.
Inferences and observations should not be confused  .which are the following statements are inferences and which one is observations?
1.A spider has 8 legs 
2.Sun rises in east.
3.Earth revolves around the sun.
4.Earth has no iron core. 
Making hypothesis :
Formulating or making a hypothesis is a tentative explanation for an observation or phenomenon which can e  tested by investigation.It is the statement given after strong observation.
For example 
If your monitor screen is not working ,what is the possible cause?
Try to find out the cause why it is not working .it may e due to the faulty connections like connections are not correct .This statement is your hypothesis and now you can check your hypothesis that whether its true or not by making connections correct.If computer start working your hypothesis was correct but if it does not starts  you can make new hypothesis.Computer monitor is faulty.To test this hypothesis you can replace with one that is working.
Here is a flow chart  
                                     (Computer monitor is not working)
                                            MAKE A HYPOTHESIS
                                     (Connection between monitor and CPU is loose)
                                              TEST A HYPOTHESIS
                                     (fix connection to see if a monitor works)
                                      Does the  Result of the test support the hypothesis?
                                               /                                            /
                                              /                                            /
                                         Yes                                           No
                                          /                                                /
                   ACCEPT HYPOTHESIS                             MAKE A NEW HYPOTHESIS
Try to formulate a hypothesis based on the observation below How would you test your hypothesis?
puddles of water take a longer time to dry up on a cool day than on a hot day. 
Planning investigation:
Tons of scientific  knowledge that we have today is the result of scientist's investigation that scientists have mode over years.
Here is a flow chart:
                                      Formulate a question or hypothesis for investigation 
                                     Identify the variables involved ,which variable should be changed ?
                                      which variables should be kept constant?
                                      Decide on the measurements or observations to be made
                                      Decide on the materials or equipment required for
                                                          the investigation
                                       Decide on the steps or procedure of the investigation
1.We need skills and processes to study and  practice science.
2.Observing ,Communicating,inferring,formulating,hypothesis and analyzing are some examples of skills while processes such as planning investigations and problem solving involve several skills. 

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Important Attitudes in the study and Practice of science:

                    INTRODUCTION TO SCIENCE

1.2 Important Attitudes in the study and Practice  of science:

There is a checklist below ,to study science it is important for us to have certain attitudes that are mention in checklist below.Go through the checklist and tick those attitudes that you think you have.
I am curious.I like to question why and find out about things.
I have perseverance.I do not give up easily,even when i fail.
I am open minded.I think there are many ways to solve a problem and i am willing to have my ideas questioned.
I am cooperative i can work well with my team mates most of the time.
I am fair and objective i do not thing something is good or right just because i like it.
I am sceptical i do not accept all that  i have read or learned as absolute truth.
I am humble i am not proud when i am successful and i am willing to admit my mistakes when i am wrong.
I have integrity i do not cheat to get desired result.
The attitudes in the checklist are all positive one ,and you should try hard to have some of them .
Can you tell why these attitudes are necessary???
Jane Goodall, a British scientist ,studied wild chimpanzees in their natural habitat in Africa for almost 10 years.She lived in a Tropical rainforest's they live.She stayed there with out the modern facilities also caught by malaria.She made very informative and interesting discoveries about behaviour of the chimpanzees in wild.
what are the positive attitudes that she possess,that enabled her to succeed in her research on wild chimpanzees???
Key point
Curiosity,perseverance,open mindedness,cooperation,impartiality,healthy scepticism,humility and integrity are positive  attitudes that every one should have to practice science.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

What is Science???

                           INTRODUCTION TO SCIENCE

What is Science???

           Science is the study of nature .Actually whatever you see ,hear ,touch,smell,taste is directly or indirectly related to science.We are living in a scientific age since ancient times.Only requirement is to pay keen atention to your surroundings ,development of investigation skills and also a kind of good observing skills.Some of the examples are given below:
BIOLOGY:As we all know the study of living things.
It may includes the animals living in your house garden like caterpillar,ants,flies,frogs etc their life cycles and many more about their living standards.
many examples are their like physics,chemistry, Geology i will explain them later.
Here a question arises 
Do you see the influence of science all around you can you quote the examples???
simple answer is many machines all around us are examples of science as cars ,aeroplanes,buses they make transport better and easier for us 
Telephones ,mobiles are also examples of science they make communication faster ,with in no seconds we can contact to any person anywhere at anytime.
Computers the masters of all technologies,it contains all the beneficial aspects we can't even count .etc etc
Our fight against dieseases is only possible with the help of science .With the incopration of science we can only cabale of fighting with the all dieseases .
Science is not only for scientists .It helps us to understand things around us ,solve problems and train our minds to think logically and also systematically.
Why is it necessory for all of us to have basic knowlege of science???An artist needs to know the science of mixing colours and colour contrasts ,which combination fits the best???A Photographer needs to know  nature ,intensity of visible Light.Can you tell why you are learning science???
      Isaac Newton studied forces and motion of different                                 objects and also laws related to his discoveries.

Louis Pasteur developed number of vaccinations for many deadly diseases like chickenpox and rabies.

Marie curie discovered nature of radium(radioactive element).

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Conversions related to alkenes

Conversions related to alkenes:

                                          Following scheme will help you to solve many conversions and it is also easy to remember. These conversions start from alkenes and also end in alkenes.

The addition of HX obey Morkownikove’s rule:

                                Which states that Hydrogen  goes to that Carbon which have more Hydrogen in other word in an addition of unsymmetrical reagent to an unsymmetrical alkene,negative part of adding reagent goes to that carbon in a double bond which has least number of hydrogen atoms.

(This reaction is called ozonolysis and it is used to locate the the position of double bond in a alkene.In ozonolysis one should keep in mind that during the formation of product if the double bonded Carbon atom consist of Hydrogen atoms it will lead to aldehyde ,and if the Hydrogen is absent then it will lead to ketone .Symmetrical alkenes leads to symmetrical number of aldehyde or  ketone).